Thursday, April 18, 2013


When we began gathering wood for the bonfire party a month early, I knew this party was going to be considerably bigger than anything I've ever been to. Two weeks ago when we were told that we would be getting DJ's coming out to our party I just about crapped myself. They said they would come out if we could make them a stage and get them a generator. What I love about the people here is when they are presented with a challenge they immediately think of ways to work their way through it. We built a stage out of the remains of a six-plex and fixed up a generator with a broken pull cord. Bam! We got DJ's!

The next obstacle we had to overcome was raising the money we needed to cover all of our expenses for the party. We bought two kegs, and the DJs wanted $450 to cover their travel expenses to get to the party. We raised around $300 before the party and the rest we gather at the party. 

The party was ridiculous. I made an effort to bring nothing of value to this event. No Ipod, no money, no wallet, nothing. Good thing too because somebody brought spray paint and decorated everybody, myself included. I also took on a false identity that entire day. I became Max Powers. Everywhere i went I introduced myself as Max Powers. A girl came up to me a few days later asking why I hadn't accepted her friend request yet, reason was because she added Max Powers and not Maxim Yushchenko. Because I had not made any plans on where I would spend the night that evening, I ended up sleeping in a tent with a buddy named Murder Mark (who took most of the blankets) which would not have been a problem if we remember to close the door... which we didn't... It dropped below freezing that night... sonofabitch...

I awoke craving two things: water and fire. I stumbled out of the tent and looked for anything that resembled water. I found a dirt covered 2 litre plastic coca-cola bottle. I looked like water inside. I opened it and took a big gulp. It was in fact water. I continued to drink it while walking to the fire which was still burning at 9am. As I walked a friend drove up to meet me at the fire in an unfamiliar van. 
"Who's van is that?"
"Not sure," he points "I found it over there" I look inside and find an old breakfast roll, fantastic. This morning is going well. I went back to the fire to begin thawing my hands and feet. As I was warming myself I looked doing and found a gummy candy in the dirt, brushed it off a bit and ate it. Just as I thought this morning could not get any better, a few more people showed up to the fire with hotdogs, ketchup and bread. Wow. Best morning ever. One guy showed up and had no idea where his shoes went. We assumed they went in the fire that evening.

After finishing the hotdogs and exchanging stories from the evening we decided to go for a soak in the hot springs. On our way out we found that someone had dragged a deer carcass onto the field... Whoever did that... what the hell is wrong with you.

The following is a picture of Max Powers the morning after:

1 comment:

  1. hahhahahaha awesome, i was thinking with a name like Max Power though you would have pulled a lady into your tent, not murder mike. unless thats what your into...

    this sounds awesome
